You're still alive?

Bent Rushmore despises people who are surprised to meet him after a while and ask, "Bent Rushmore. You're still alive?"

And all of a sudden, it was silence

Bent Rushmore was sitting at the kitchen table swallowing the last sip of Daniels. "Where did the lady go?", He asked himself.
And then he remembered. She went to sleep about an hour ago.

Heal it yourself!

Bent Rushmore is not here to make the world a better place.

A dog should be like a wolf not like a rat

Bent Rushmore slept in his car at the roadside diner's parking lot. One of the waitresses had a chihuahua. Bent ended it's misery with a gunshot when it was out of the diner to take a leak. Bent Rushmore thinks that these kinds of animals are not gods creation.

Don't waste the words man

Bent Rushmore does not like proverbs or wordplay. Why waste words if you can just say, that the person you're talking to, is an idiot.

My taxi is better than yours

Bent Rushmore has one very expensive taxi service. He calls there every time he is thinking about calling an ambulance.

Longest days

Bent Rushmore was sitting in his truck. It was morning, so he really had nowhere to go. He still felt the bourbon from the evening before, but he was used to the feeling. Today he had woke up early because of a seagull, who took a crap on his windshield. 'It's gonna be a long day...', He thought.

Stuff done wrong

Bent Rushmore believes that 99% of the things done on this earth are done wrong.

If Bent Rushmore would know anything about social networks in the internet, he would hate them.